These are resources provided by other offices on campus or other organizations.


  1. ImaginePhD (free resource; developed by the Graduate Career Consortium)
  2. Purdue Graduate School
  3. Science Careers resources (some free resources, others behind paywall; excellent for all Science disciplines)
  4. AHA & MLA (free resource; exemplary work on career development for HSS grad students)
  5. Inside Higher Ed: mostly free access (only reports seem to be premium/paid content).
  6. Chronicle of Higher Education: Purdue provides subscription access.


  1. ImaginePhD This is a free, public access resource developed by the Graduate Career Consortium (GCC) to help students from the Humanities and Social Sciences with their career development. Has quick assessments (Skills, Interests, Values); job families; planning resources. Available to ALL.
  2. The Graduate School has several professional development offerings here:
  3. Science Careers: This is a website managed by AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science with a lot of useful and free career content for scientists. Most of the career content is free, especially things like myIDP (my Individual Development Plan) and their annual Career Handbook (downloadable). They write EXCELLENT articles, too.
    1. Psychology has their own IDP; Chemistry has their own IDP. ImaginePhD is a version of IDP for HSS PhDs.
    2. The Graduate School lists Purdue-specific IDPs here:
  4. The American Historical Association (AHA) has been at the forefront of career diversity for the Humanities, and the Modern Language Association (MLA) is a close second.
  1. Inside Higher Ed:
  2. Chronicle of Higher Education: Purdue University provides everyone with a email address premium access. Some advice here