You will approach a variety of people in person and online when you network. Develop a brief 30 second introduction or “elevator pitch” to make your outreach efforts at career fairs and networking events as effective as possible by considering the following questions:
- WHO ARE YOU? Introduce yourself and begin to tell your story. Indicate your school and major.
- WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN COMMON? Are they a Boilermaker? Do you have a shared contact? Are you members of the same social organization or network? (P.S. don't fret if you're unable to connect on this level with recruiters)
- WHAT SETS YOU APART? Incorporate your personal brand here by mentioning a couple of your unique skills or accomplishments. Describe your internship, work or volunteer experience.
- WHAT ARE YOU SEEKING? Are you looking for insight about the field through an informational interview? Are you seeking more in-depth internship and job search advice in your field of interest? Make your intentions clear to the people you’re connecting with.